Our Treatments

Our mission is to provide the best possible care to our patients through an evidence based practice with an emphasis on quality care


Chiropractors treat a range of conditions from back pain, neck pain, and extremity joint conditions to name but a few. We offer gentle effective treatment in a private professional environment where your needs are always put first. Read More


Osteopathic treatment does not target symptoms only but treats the parts of the body that have caused the symptoms. Osteopaths have a holistic approach and believe that your whole body will work well if your body is in good structural balance


Physiotherapy is a multifaceted profession whose aim is to return patients to normal following injury, surgery, illness and disease. The treatment offered may vary from electrotherapy to soft tissue mobilisation, Western approach Acupuncture and rehabilitation exercises

Sports Massage

Sports Massage benefits both mind and body. If you have a long standing injury or aches and pains massage can help relieve your pain. Massage is also great at helping to de stress you. Athletes use massage regularly to help prevent injuries.

Chiropody & Podiatry

Podiatry is a very effective form of diagnosis and treatment of all lower limb and foot related problems. Podiatry can be used very effectively to treat general foot related problems, from hard skin to corns and callus; to nail problems, local surgery, postural problems and lower limb injuries.

Neurological Physiotherapy

Neurological Physiotherapy aims to help people who are living with a neurological condition. This could include Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s, Stroke and Motor Neurone Disease


Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is part of an ancient system of healing practiced in China and the East for over 3,000 years, where it has been used to treat everyone from babies through to the elderly. As a natural system of medicine with a holistic view of the body, acupuncture maintains and restores health.

GP Services

We offer Health Screening, Botox, Dermal Fillers and treatments for Excessive Sweating.

Wheelchair, seating and postural assesments

Individuals with medical conditions impacting on daily life may require additional equipment in order to achieve their maximum potential.

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