Attend2Health wins Award

Attend2health are very proud to announce we have been awarded the Patient Partnership Quality Mark (PPQM) by The Royal College of Chiropractors. The PPQM is awarded to chiropractic clinics that demonstrate excellence in meeting patient expectations in a range of areas including accessibility, cleanliness and safety…

Dr Louise Hampton went along to Ralph Sadleir School, Puckeridge recently to educate the pupils on the importance of good posture. ‘With more and more younger people suffering with back pain I think that it is really important to educate children on the importance of keeping active, not carrying too much in the school bags and looking after their spines. With the increase in technology everyone is spending increasing amounts of time sitting at computers or on phones. The back has a poor blood supply and needs movement to get the blood to the discs so this is why it is so important to have a stretch every twenty minutes or so.’ Said Dr Hampton. The pupils found the day most informative and especially enjoyed the model of the spine.

Louise Hampton with pupils from Ralph Sadleir School
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