Tempus Fugit: Latin for “HOW is it October already?!”
It seems like we’ve seen the last of this summer (though, admittedly, it felt like that in about April), and Starbucks has got the pumpkin spiced lattes on the menu, so it’s time to pack away the bikini and bring out the scarves: autumn’s here.
Actually, as a clinic, we quite like autumn, because October marks the 5th birthday of Attend2Health. That’s right, we’ve been helping you from head to toe for half a decade now! From our early beginnings with Louise Hampton as our head chiropractor, we now have 2 chiropractors, an osteopath, a physiotherapist, a foot health practitioner, a sports massage therapist, an Alexander Technique instructor, a reflexologist, a reiki therapist, and an acupuncturist.
We’ve grown up so fast, haven’t we?
Anyway, what’s a birthday without a party? We’ll be hosting a half-price treatment day on Saturday October 27th, with chiropractic, physiotherapy, osteopathy treatments on offer, and all money going to Jake’s Journey.
Sam Bloomfield, Louise Hampton and Mike Varney, who will be treating for Jake’s Journey on October 27th.
Jake Pike is a young friend of the clinic who has been fighting a brain tumour for nearly 2 years. At just thirteen and having only just started at Freman College, he has undergone surgery and radical proton therapy in America, and is currently an outpatient at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. Jake’s Journey is a trust-fund to cover the cost of future treatments, support and travel for Jake as he encounters the side effects of the treatment. In the hopeful event that Jake doesn’t need to use the money – as he is currently in remission – it will be divided between the numerous charities who have supported Jake’s family – CLIC Sargeant, Camille’s Appeal, the Brain Tumour Trust, Sick Children’s Trust and the paediatric cancer ward at Addenbookes Hospital.
We are already taking bookings for treatments on Saturday 27th October, and a few places have already gone, so if you’re looking to come down, help us celebrate our birthday and help out a great cause, please call us on 01763 87 80 87.
The hours of daylight may well be getting shorter as the year marches on, but the hours of treatment aren’t! Joanne Taylor, our Foot Health Professional has extended her hours on a Wednesday, and would love to see you, your calluses, dodgy toenails or whatever else may make you want to hide your feet in your slippers at all times. As we get closer to (whisper it) Christmas, make sure your feet are stocking ready.
On the subject of Christmas, don’t forget that we sell gift vouchers that can be used for the majority of our treatments – we all know at least one person who could do with a massage, why not be kind enough to gift them one with a trained professional?
On October 8th, National Back Care Awareness Week starts. As a recepient of this newsletter – and therefore a valued patient – we know that your back health matters to you, but do you know anyone who has frequent back pain, but refuses to do anything about it? For the week of October 8th-15th, we will be offering £10 off* chiropractic first treatments to anyone who says “Back Care Week” when they book in, and if they mention that they’ve been reccommended by a previous patient, then that patient will get £5 off their next treatment too!
What can we say, we like to be good to you guys.
With so much going on over the next few weeks, we should hopefully be too busy to notice as it gets colder and darker. So, wrap up warm, don’t forget your scarves, and come down and see us all at Attend2Health.
Louise Hampton
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Emma Azzopardi ★★★★★ a month ago
I’ve attended the clinic with my newborn baby for cranial osteopathy to help with his silent reflux and wind, which is prevalent … More in c-section babies. The treatment has been a game changer in releasing trapped air and pockets of discomfort for him. Meghan is very gentle and has works wonders for my baby. Highly recommend! The photos show just how relaxed my son is by the end of the cranial osteopathy treatment. -
Wayne Richards ★★★★★ 2 months ago
I've been seeing Homman for a few weeks. I could hardly walk with sciatica before going in. The treatment has been exceptional. … More He's very knowledgeable and puts you at ease. The front desk staff are always very helpful too. I fully recommend attend2health. -
Sid Sampson ★★★★★ 3 weeks ago
Joanne was really helpful today with my knee. She listened carefully to my problem, and was extremely thorough with her investigation. … More She also gave me a science lesson which helped me to understand my pain and how to safely help it heal.